iOS localization options

Last updated: October 15, 2024

This topic describes how to configure localization options.

Language support

9.5.0 and later

  • Support for left-to-right and right-to-left languages.

  • Automatically switches the layout direction based on the operating system language settings.

10.0.0 and later

Supports localization for these languages:

  • Welsh

  • Spanish

  • Colombian Spanish

  • Portuguese

  • Brazilian Portuguese

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Dutch


To display localization options that are applicable to your environment, select a version of the SDK:

String Default text (English)
IProov_PromptCloseMultitasking iPad support Close multitasking to continue.
IProov_PromptRotateDeviceToPortrait iPad support Rotate device to portrait to continue.
IProov_PromptRotateDeviceUpsideDown iPad support Rotate device upside-down to continue.
IProov_PromptAlignFace Put your face in the oval.
IProov_FailureEyesClosed Keep your eyes open.
IProov_FailureFaceTooClose Move your face farther from the screen.
IProov_FailureFaceTooFar Move your face closer to the screen.
IProov_FailureMisalignedFace Keep your face in the oval.
IProov_FailureNotSupported Device is not supported.
IProov_FailureObscuredFace Remove any face coverings.
IProov_FailureSunglasses Remove sunglasses.
IProov_FailureTooBright Move somewhere darker.
Proov_FailureTooDark Move somewhere brighter.
IProov_FailureTooMuchMovement Keep still.
IProov_FailureUnknown Try again.
IProov_FailureUserTimeout Try again.
IProov_AccessibilityLabelSecuredByIProov Secured by iProov.
IProov_AccessibilityPromptAlignFace Hold the device in front of your face and look at the screen.
IProov_AccessibilityLabelCloseButton Close
IProov_AccessibilityPromptScanning Scanning
IProov_ErrorCameraPermissionDeniedMessage Please allow camera access for this app in iOS settings.
IProov_Authenticate Authenticate
IProov_Enrol Enroll
IProov_ErrorCameraPermissionDenied Camera permission denied.
IProov_ErrorCameraPermissionDeniedMessageIos Please allow camera access for this application in iOS settings.
IProov_ErrorCaptureAlreadyActive An existing capture is already in progress.
IProov_ErrorNetwork Network error.
IProov_ErrorServer Server error.
IProov_ErrorUnexpected Unexpected error .
IProov_FailureAmbiguousOutcome Ambiguous outcome.
IProov_FailureLightingBacklit Strong light source detected behind you.
IProov_FailureLightingFaceTooBright Too much light detected on your face.
IProov_FailureLightingFlashReflectionTooLow Ambient light too strong or screen brightness too low.
IProov_FailureLightingTooDark Your environment appears too dark.
IProov_FailureMotionTooMuchMouthMovement Please do not talk while iProoving.
IProov_FailureMotionTooMuchMovement Please do not move while iProoving.
IProov_LanguageFile en-GB
IProov_MessageFormat %@to%@
IProov_MessageFormatWithUsername %@as%@to%@
IProov_ProgressAssessingGenuinePresence Assessing genuine presence…
IProov_ProgressAssessingLiveness Assessing liveness…
IProov_ProgressConfirmingIdentity Confirming identity…
IProov_ProgressCreatingIdentity Creating identity…
IProov_ProgressFindingFace Finding face…
IProov_ProgressIdentifyingFace Identifying face…
IProov_ProgressLoading Loading…
IProov_ProgressStreaming Streaming…
IProov_ProgressStreamingSlow Streaming network is slow….
IProov_PromptGenuinePresenceAlignFace Put your face in the oval
IProov_PromptGetReady Get ready…
IProov_PromptGrantPermission Grant camera access.
IProov_PromptGrantPermissionMessage Camera access must be granted to use iProov.
IProov_PromptLivenessAlignFace Fill the oval with your face.
IProov_PromptLivenessNoTarget Put your face in the frame.
IProov_PromptLivenessScanCompleted Scan completed.
IProov_PromptPitchTooHigh Hold the device at eye level.
IProov_PromptPitchTooLow Hold the device at eye level.
IProov_PromptRollTooHigh Avoid tilting your head.
IProov_PromptRollTooLow Avoid tilting your head.
IProov_PromptScanning Scanning….
IProov_PromptTapToBegin Tap the screen to begin.
IProov_PromptTooBright Go somewhere shadier.
IProov_PromptTooClose Too close.
IProov_PromptTooFar Move closer.
IProov_PromptYawTooHigh Turn slightly to your left.
IProov_PromptYawTooLow Turn slightly to your right

Next step

iOS user retry logic