Android network options

Last updated: October 15, 2024

This topic describes how to configure Android network options.

To display options that are applicable to your environment, select a version of the Android SDK:

Option type Option name Description Default Example
Certificates options.certificates

Optionally supply certificates used for pinning. If you are using a reverse proxy you may need to provide your own certificates. iProov certificate pinning is enabled by default.

Certificates should be passed as an array of Data objects, containing DER-encoded X.509 certificates.

You can disable pinning by passing an empty array (but not in a production environment).

AlphaSSL intermediate certificate

options.certificates = listOf(Certificate.ResourceCertificate(R.raw.iproov__certificate))

Timeout options.timeoutSecs The WebSocket streaming timeout specified in seconds. To disable timeout, set to 0. 10 options.timeoutSecs=2

Optionally supply certificates used for pinning. If you are using a reverse proxy you may need to provide your own certificates. iProov certificate pinning is enabled by default.

Certificates should be passed as one of the following:

  • A list of resource IDs.

  • A list of byte arrays (certificate content).

AlphaSSL intermediate certificate = arrayOf(R.raw.iproov__certificate)

The streaming timeout specified in seconds.

Caution should be taken when changing the default.

10 = 0
Network path (socket IO)

Specifies the path to use when streaming.

Do not change unless instructed by iProov.

"/" = <path>

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Android localization options