Please use the following template when raising a support ticket, this will help us resolve your issue quickly.
We are experiencing issues with the [sdk][api].
Primary details | |
Transaction details: token,userId, timestamp | If multiple, please share in comma separated format e.g. token, userId, timestamp Service Provider |
Observed frequency | |
Environment | eg: PROD/DEV/TEST |
Log details | Please send us any console log details in the form of attachment files (preferred) or screenshots. |
Recreation Steps | Please send a set of instructions to help us recreate the issue. |
API details | If multiple endpoints are affected, please list separately |
API endpoint | eg: /claim/verify/token |
API HTTP error response code | eg: 400, invalid_user_id |
API response body | |
SDK Type | If multiple browsers or devices, please list |
Device / SDK Specifics | |
Web/iOS/Android | Browser Name |
Browser Version | |
Error / Failure code | |
iProov SDK version |