
Management API services

The management API services enable you to:

  • Perform basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on existing users.
  • Check the health of your API and service providers.
  • Manage tokens.

iProov API specification

See the iProov Open API specification


The API authentication mechanism is OAuth 2.0. A new Bearer Token can be generated using your service provider credentials.

Endpoint POST {api_key}/access_token
Request Body Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authentication You must provide your:
- api_key as the URL parameter.
- OAuth username and password as a Basic Authentication header. Both were generated when your service provider was created.


  • Provide the OAuth username and password via the Authorization header in Basic format. These credentials are different to the service provider API key and secret, which you supply separately.
  • Each generated access_token is valid for one hour, or 50 requests, whichever is first.
  • Refresh each access_token after it expires.

User management

### Get a user

Endpoint GET /users/{user_id}
Description Retrieve an existing, previously enrolled user, using their user_id.
Required parameters include:
Assigned name.
Authentication OAuth Bearer Token
Scope: user-read

Update a user

Endpoint PUT /users/{user_id}
Description Update a user profile.
Authentication OAuth Bearer Token
Scope: user-write

Delete a user

Caution: Deleted users cannot be used during verify transactions.

Endpoint DELETE /users/{user_id}
Description Delete a user profile. Use this endpoint to implement your own data retention policy.
Authentication OAuth Bearer Token
Scope: user-write

API and service health checks

Endpoint GET /availability?api_key={api_key}
Description Check the availability status of a service provider.
Authentication None

Manage tokens

Endpoint POST /claim/{token}/invalidate
Description Invalidate a generated Enroll or Verify token.
The client SDK is prevented from launching with this token.
Authentication None